However, the timing of this move is tighter than Tiger Drop and will require some practice to master.
It requires no Heat and is easily one of, if not the strongest move in the entire game. While the timing is tight, targeting an enemy and pressing the strong attack button right before they land an attack will lead to Majima countering for massive damage.
The most useful move in the Mad Dog of Shimano combat style that most players aren't aware of is an incredible counter. This move is only good when Majima is surrounded and needs some breathing room. However, pressing this button at three Heat bars leads to Majima doing his classic dagger spin move that hits all enemies around him but drains all his heat. Pressing the grab button when Majima is lower than three Heat bars makes Majima do a basic low kick that doesn't hit for too much damage. However, this move uses up Heat, so it should be used wisely. You will need to play the cabaret minigame and then beat him in a regular battle. Starting a combo with light attacks and following it up with a strong one allows Majima to dash around enemies and hit them with each successive use of a strong attack. before kicking his dagger at a third one and uttering a disdainful taunt as they pull the weapon out. Here, Majima will start jumping around and slashing enemies. The second Heat Move is way more useful and can be activated if players are around three or more enemies. It has received generally positive reviews from both critics and gamers alike, and it has quickly become one of my personal favorites in the series. Within the first week alone of its release, it had an estimated 500,000 copies sold worldwide. The first one is the classic Dagger Heat Move next to a wall, where Majima pushes the enemy towards the wall before stabbing them in the hand. Yakuza Kiwami 2 is a fantastic game that was released on December 7th 2017. This combat style only has two Heat Moves, but both of them are excellent.
The one guy blocking the way will tell you that youll need a mourning band, so now your task becomes to get in possession of one. This combat style is a fan-favorite, with most people encountering this fighting style during the iconic boss fight against Majima in the batting cages that occurs in Yakuza 1 and Yakuza Kiwami. Take a right and carefully avoid the guard on the left.