Even if I go down the road of trying to do it from scratch, this will help. I have read through a lot of the docs and watched several videos on t splines and surfaces, but most lessons develop the surfaces from within Fusion 360 instead of dealing with an imported geometry/topology. En este video se mostrará lo básico para crear mallas de elementos finitos Shell con GMSH y la API de Python. Thanks so much for your time and patience on this, it is very much appreciated. After having a single closed shell without duplicate nodes and with the normals pointing outwards, I manage to mesh the volume inside the models (see manually-merged-thick.msh and manually-merged-thin.msh). How much you can thicken seems to be a bit of trial and error, but at least I can see what to look out for and how best to do it. The pipeline to do so is as follows: > 1) Read point clouds and triangulate using Delaunay (scipy.spatial) > 2) Create a 2 discrete surfaces giving the node coordinates and the connectivity of the triangles > 3) Create a volume using a surface loop on both surfaces > 4) Mesh the volume > 5) Exporting the mesh to Abaqus/LS-Dyna. Mesh and Level-Set creation structures into a mix of 2D and 3D Finite Elements usually.
I knew that I had to get the edges lined up (and the same edge count) before trying to weld the two surfaces together, but could not work out how to edit the result. However, the Using solid shell elements allows one to represent. I could not work out how to convert 3 or 5 edge polygons into quads, or 'shift' UV lines around, or how point insertion worked, and this shows all these things in action. Specifically, your editing of the t spline surface was so instructive to watch. I am particularly interested in generating a thin volume with the aid of the 'ThruSections' function provided by OpenCASCADE.

The lines ids are stored in vectors such as LowerLine2, LowerInputLine and so on, all of which are defined in 'Lower.geo'.

So many things in there that I shall watch this several times. aforementioned file to proceed creating surfaces and volumes.